How to get Started with LinkedIn Profile

How to get Started with LinkedIn Profile

Before moving to the LinkedIn profile discussion, let’s start from the beginning!

  • What is LinkedIn?

  • How is it used?

  • What are the social impacts of LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a social platform that is used for professional purposes, connecting the world over the internet. It was Launched on May 5, 2003. Let’s say, you are looking for a job and manually asking people if they can recommend you to some company. It would be a hectic task. But, LinkedIn has made it very easy and quick to find jobs or internships. Even from a company’s perspective, it is time-saving and a quick task to post about the hiring and interested candidates can reach out to them.

FACT: According to LinkedIn, more than 875 million people are registered around the world as of February 2023.

Viola! What a balanced platform😎

This article will be very helpful for freshers as it covers all the important details about LinkedIn. Okay, Go ahead!

LinkedIn is used by both Job seekers and recruiters. It allows people to build a network that simulates the real world of business. Top Companies and even start-ups hire workers from LinkedIn by posting job requirements. Even a college student must have a LinkedIn profile. Because, in their growing stage, they can connect with different people from the same or different backgrounds.

Some statistics and facts about LinkedIn:

  • While the US is LinkedIn’s biggest market with over 194 million users, the network has gained traction around the world. Coming in second place is India with 96 million users, followed by Brazil with 60 million users, Mainland China with 57 million users, and Indonesia with 21 million users.

  • Along gender lines, LinkedIn is more popular with men, who comprise 57% of its user base (as of January 2022). And, interestingly, millennials make up over 59% of LinkedIn’s user base, with 11 million of the 87 million millennials in decision-making positions.

  • LinkedIn explains that three people are hired each minute, and remote jobs have grown since 2020 at a rate of 2.5.

  • According to Sprout Social, you’ll get the most attention to your LinkedIn content by posting between 9 am and 10 am on Wednesdays. Also, Wednesdays at noon and Thursdays after lunch are good times to share content.

The various upper hand of using LinkedIn is:

  1. To expand your network.

  2. To learn different skills and succeed in your career.

  3. A great chance to search for internships or jobs

  4. For Monetary purposes.

  5. To build professional relationships.

  6. To showcase your skills, experiences, and education.

  7. To follow your idols.

  8. Organize events and meetings.

  9. To promote your agency or company.

  10. To post photos, videos, articles, etc.

And many more!

The list is, however, never-ending. But these are some primary benefits.

How to build a good profile on LinkedIn?

Okay! So this is a crucial step to start with LinkedIn. A good profile rates you on the top and attracts people to take a look at it. It’s strange how people tend to confuse their LinkedIn profiles and resumes.

FACT: LinkedIn profile is itself a resume for recruiters. Build your profile in a way that all the necessary details are covered.

The 3P of your profile should be:

  • Particular

  • Polished

  • Promotion

The importance of self-branding cannot be stressed enough! Develop yourself to achieve your goals in life and work.

A profile includes these elements:

  1. Introduction: This section is the first viewing point of your profile. It should be precise, concise, and updated. It includes:
  • Your name is at the top.

  • Cover photo- This should be about what you do or what you like. Take a look at this cover image👇

  • Profile photo: It should be very clear and avoid putting selfies here. A professional photo with proper attire would be a plus.

  • The headline will cover your current and past positions and your skills.

  • Mention your education including school and college.

  • Contact info.

  • You can add your name pronunciation too. Woahhh🤩!!

  • If you’re open for work, set the status to “Open to”.

  1. Featured Section: Most newbies does the common mistake of adding a resume in the featured section. Instead, upload the post that you want to get featured. For instance, if you’ve received any certificate, make it featured.

  2. About: Now, you are going to write about yourself. Be careful while choosing words. You should write 3 to 4 small paragraphs(2–3 lines).

  • First describe yourself, where you’re from, what you are pursuing, and in which year you are.

  • In the second part, write about what you are currently engaged in.

  • Write about your other interests or hobbies like dancing or reading in the third paragraph

  • Tell the world about the quote or philosophy you believe in.

  1. Experience: Write about your previous internships or jobs or any kind of work experience you have. Give a detailed description of your work.

  2. Education: Mention your education in this section.

  3. Licenses and Certificates: The best part about LinkedIn? You can add your certificates, showcasing your skills. Any courses you have done from platforms like Coursera, Udemy, etc.

  4. Skills: You can add up to 50 skills to your LinkedIn profile. From Microsoft Excel to React js, showcase all your skills. This will enhance your credibility.

  5. Projects: The best time to display your projects along with the team members(if any).

  6. Test Scores: You can take skill tests on LinkedIn and share them on your profile.

  7. Languages: You can add languages you know, like English or French.

Tips to grow on LinkedIn:

  • Make more and more connections.

  • Increase your daily activity and engage in conversations.

  • Post your achievements no matter how big or small it is!

  • Likes and comments will increase your reach and you will be in the limelight.

  • Share appropriate content based on your target audience.

  • Follow your interests.

“For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win”

~ Dhirubhai Ambani

You can connect with me from the below links and let’s exchange some words of wisdom and experiences.

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Thank you for reaching the end!

Happy Reading!